eCommerce Insights
5 July 2023
How is B2B eCommerce different from B2C?
B2B (business-to-business) eCommerce is the process of buying and selling goods between two businesses. It’s the electronic sale of goods and services, where businesses exchange physical goods, information, and payments via digital channels. The B2B eCommerce industry is enormous. As...
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5 June 2023
Unleashing Agility: How an Agile Supply Chain Fuels Ecommerce Success
What is an agile supply chain? An agile supply chain is a supply chain management technique that allows businesses to be more flexible, responsive, and adaptive when it comes to meeting customer needs and demands. The eCommerce industry in particular...
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20 September 2022
What Is Subscription Commerce?
It seems as though you can’t scroll through Instagram or watch a YouTube video today without seeing an advert for another subscription box service. Once upon a time, a subscription meant paying weekly for your newspaper or milk delivery, but...
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1 April 2022
Meta-delivery – the future of unboxing
James and James Fulfilment is considering how it can work with metaverse platforms such as Decentraland in providing a virtual delivery and unboxing experience to rival the physical experience of receiving luxury and fashion products.
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