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Inventory Management

We understand that optimising inventory management can be daunting, and sometimes, pretty confusing! But we’ve got your back with our guides that are designed to fine-tune your inventory management strategies, helping you to get the most out of your inventory.

Inventory Management

8 September 2023

What is inventory management?

For businesses that deal with the sale of physical goods, inventory management is one of the most important skills to have. Good inventory management will result in less storage costs, less wastage, and more opportunities. It’ll also ensure a good...

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Inventory Management

22 November 2022

Product sourcing: what, how, benefits

For eCommerce businesses, products are their bread and butter. While good products aren’t all you need to succeed (enter customer experience, a good distribution strategy, and a strong brand), it’s your products that will draw your customers in. How and...

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Inventory Management

3 March 2022

What Does MOQ Mean?

Minimum order quantity is a requirement from some manufacturers for the minimum number of orders to be purchased at one time. This is required in order for manufacturers to remain profitable, as often they work on smaller margins and require large order volumes to generate enough revenue to maintain their business.

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