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Pet & Animal Supplies

PetLab Co.

PetLab now enjoy a hands-off approach to their UK fulfillment.

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The story of PetLab Co.’s inception is a bittersweet one.

Co-Founder Chris Masanto gave his dog, Krystal, a long and happy life. But when she was 17, the day every dog owner dreads came, and Chris had to make the heartbreaking decision to put her to sleep.

When we welcome pets into our family, we know with certainty that the day will come when we need to say goodbye. It never makes it any easier. And while Chris was thankful for the 17 long years he had with Krystal, he couldn’t shake a feeling of guilt.

In the last few years of her life, Krystal struggled with arthritic pain and struggled to walk. While by no means uncommon for dogs in their golden years, Chris’ guilt was stemmed in the fact that he felt he could have done more to help prevent or mitigate Krystal’s health issues.

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Enter PetLab Co.: a business created by animal lovers, for animal lovers. Founded in memory of Krystal by Chris and his friend Damian, PetLab Co.’s mission is to give dogs and their owners as much happy, healthy time together as possible.

To help them achieve this, they’ve developed a vast range of pet supplements, made only with high quality, research-backed ingredients. Whether it’s for a resilient gut, shiny coat, healthy joints or strong teeth, PetLab offers an array of products that are dedicated to the health and wellbeing of your dogs.

Their product offering is certified by veterinarians and pet nutritionists, and propped up by an online community of dog experts and enthusiasts through which people can learn how to take the best care of their dogs, together.

PetLab Co. and J&J

When putting together this case study, we spoke to Chris Sutton, PetLab’s Logistics Manager. He’s been with PetLab for around two years, and is heavily involved PetLab’s operations globally.

A partnership built on trust

Before partnering with J&J, PetLab’s experience with 3PLs in the UK was far from ideal. They needed a fulfillment partner who they could trust to get their orders out on time, and adhere to the high standards that PetLab had set for their brand. When their previous fulfillment partner couldn’t meet those requirements, PetLab contacted J&J for help.

We’ve been fulfilling orders for PetLab for almost three years, and in that time, we’ve shown them that working with a 3PL doesn’t need to be stressful. PetLab now manages their UK fulfillment with a lean internal team of two and J&J Global Fulfilment, no longer needing to micromanage or put up with regular firefighting. They have the confidence in the J&J Team to get their orders out correctly and on time, which allows them to focus on other business activities as needed.

Unrivalled visibility

Another game-changer for PetLab has been our award-winning software, ControlPortâ„¢, which provides a traffic light system that alerts PetLab if anything needs their attention at a glance. As a client who places high importance on transparency, visibility and traceability of their packages , PetLab uses the home dashboard of ControlPortâ„¢ to check in for a general summary of their orders and dig deeper into any metric related to their orders: stock levels, costs, and much more. ControlPortâ„¢ gives PetLab control over their orders and helps them to understand their data much more easily.

The data and transparency inside ControlPort™ is some of the best we’ve seen. We’ve used other 3PLs that simply don’t have that level of visibility.

Chris Sutton, Logistics Manager

There are a few areas of ControlPortâ„¢ that PetLab finds particularly useful. For example, the Best Before End (BBE) area gives them a clear breakdown of products that are approaching their sell-by date, which is incredibly important data for a pet supplement brand as sending out products that are soon going out of date (or worse) is not great for the customer. 

With this information, they’re able to proactively advertise and forecast purchase orders. Additionally, they’re able to use ControlPort™ to halt the sale of products that are within 30 days of their BBE date, which helps to avoid customer complaints.

PetLabCo product

The visibility on batch numbers and expiration dates that ControlPort™ provides is the best out of any of the 3PLs we’ve worked with.

Chris Sutton, Logistics Manager

Furthermore, PetLab appreciates the transparency of the Live Pricebook which can be accessed through ControlPortâ„¢. While hardly the most exciting area of our software, we clearly break down every micro cost and fee, making it easy for our clients to check, audit, and understand all of their costs.

What’s next for PetLab Co?

Throughout the next few years, PetLab has big ambitions for their business. With an exceptionally strong footing in North America, they’re looking to further grow the UK arm of their business, as well as tap into brand new overseas markets. We’re hoping that we’ll be able to support them in that endeavour with our international network of fulfillment centers.

Additionally, PetLab recently released their incredibly popular ‘ProBright’ powder supplement in the UK. ProBright, which helps freshen your dog’s breath and counter tarte build-up, has seen a ton of success in the US.

We’ve loved working with PatLab over the last few years, and we can’t wait to follow and support their journey in the years to come. If you’re an eCommerce brand in need of first-class international fulfillment and industry-leading inventory visibility, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and learn how we can help you grow.

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